
The principal objective of the recyclability assessment is to highlight the recyclability of new materials with the quality of being reprocessed. Different scenarios will be presented depending on the quality of the material to be reprocessed. Once the processability is demonstrated, the recyclability of the materials will be validated based on the reprocessing of pipes and cables. Furthermore, a material flow analysis (MFA) of additives in the value chain will be developed in order to feed “PLACE-me” tool.

The environmental impact of the rPEX products that will be developed is an important stake for REDONDO. The following actions will be implemented - Apply life cycle assessment (LCA) to identify the key hotspots for environmental improvement from the design stage in the polymer formulation process to final Products.
- Support environmental impact reduction of the circular rPEX routes developed. - Track the socio-economic value and risks of the innovative rPEX solutions and products. - Develop a sustainability-by-design approach

At ITENE we work on the safe- and sustainability-by-design (SSbD) concept, which focuses on addressing the toxicological effects and potential for exposure from product inception until its end of life, considering also the environmental impacts, with the aim to prevent possible adverse effects on health and the environment caused by the materials’ toxicological profile or by high probability of exposure during industrial use or at the consumption stage by occupational users or the general public. So that, ITENE has wide experience developing new SSbD strategies, and we have drawn up guidelines for their implementation in companies

Toxicology Laboratory

REDONDO pioneers with a provision of a circular monitoring tool, PLACE-me, integrating principles of SSbD along with a holistic value chain assessment. The development involves a systematic integration of reversibly crosslinked polymers, and recycling technologies, taking into consideration simultaneously, all the available finite uses by using optimisation models to solve and predict optimal solutions. The assessment will recommend optimal network connections on the basis of multi-objective optimisation. A step further deals with the integration of the PLACE-me within the user-friendly REDONDO digital toolbox environment. This step will allow end-users to engage themselves and navigate through value chains with a holistic monitoring procedure enforcing safety and sustainability from the very early stage of design.